Holiday Home Tour & Marketplace FAQ

Ojai Holiday Home Tour & Marketplace

November 16 & 17, 2024

Tour Hours
Will Call Hours
Marketplace Hours

10AM – 4PM
10AM – 4PM Saturday, 10AM – 3PM Sunday
10AM – 4:30PM

Here are reminders to make your experience at the 2024 Holiday Home Tour & Marketplace more enjoyable. If you have additional questions, please contact the Box Office at 805 646 2053 or [email protected].

WILL CALL is located at Holiday Marketplace in Ojai’s Libbey Park
Look for a red sign that reads WILL CALL. There will be one stationed by the fountain at the front of the park, and another at the Box Office, an exposed-wood building near the tennis courts and Libbey Bowl. Park on Signal St at the Ojai City Lot and Integrity Wealth Advisors to easily access.

Your ticket is valid for either or both days (November 16 and 17) to visit each house once.

Join us at the Holiday Marketplace, rain or shine! Admission is free and open to the public. There are free public parking lots located near Libbey Park.

NEW! Convenient, no-hassle check-out directly at vendor booths.

The homes on the Tour are not accessible by wheelchair or walker, as these are private residences.

Free street parking is available at all four homes (no shuttles this year!), as well as at the Marketplace.

Flat shoes are required and closed-toe shoes are recommended due to uneven paths outdoors. If you wear high-heeled shoes, you will be asked to remove your shoes, and wear protective foot covers which we will provide. Homes may require all guests to wear these foot covers.

The health and safety of our guests and docents are important to us. We ask that if you are not feeling well to stay home.

Portable restrooms will be available at the Holiday Marketplace (Libbey Park), as well as public restrooms in the park and across the street in the Downtown Arcade. No restrooms are available at the homes.

Children under the age of 12 will not be admitted into the homes.

No pets will be admitted into the homes. Service animals as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act* are the only animals permitted in the homes.

Volunteer Docents will help guide the tour at each home.

Musical performances at the homes are provided by Ojai students and volunteer musicians arranged by our BRAVO education program.

    Tickets will be sold during the weekend of the event at the Holiday Marketplace at Libbey Park and at the homes. Tickets will be $50 the day of the event.

        There are no refunds on tickets, but if you turn your tickets back before the event, we will issue a receipt to you for a tax-deductible donation in the amount of the value of your tickets.

        We reserve the right to cancel the event due to severe weather conditions and will be following Ventura County health guidelines for public gatherings. In the event of a cancellation, your ticket will be converted into a tax-deductible donation to the Ojai Music Festival.

        *Service animals, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), are dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks directly related to a person’s disability. Please note that any animal whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support does not qualify as a service animal under ADA regulations. We reserve the right to withhold or remove a service dog that fundamentally alters the nature of our programming by behaving in an unacceptable way during the tour, and/or if the person with the disability does not or cannot control the animal.

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